Answer Your Business User Concerns About Augmented Analytics!

Users Might Think Augmented Analytics is Too Difficult. That’s Not True! If you are a business manager who wants to enable a Citizen Data Scientist environment, but you find yourself up against resistance, it is often because your business users believe that advanced analytics is […]

Citizen Data Scientists Can Make a Huge Difference!

Citizen Data Scientists: Be the Champion and the Change! If your business has entrusted you with the responsibility of a new role, namely that of Citizen Data Scientist, you may think of it as extra work or some sort of punishment. Nothing can be further […]

Plan for Success and Create Great Citizen Data Scientists!

Becoming a Citizen Data Scientist Requires the Right Support and Tools! If your business has designated you a Citizen Data Scientist, you may feel intimidated and unprepared to take on the role. You are probably a business professional with a lot of knowledge in your […]

What is the Key to Citizen Data Scientist Success?

Are You Feeling Less Than Confident in Your Role as a Citizen Data Scientist? As a Citizen Data Scientist, your journey may have been rocky. If your business did not plan for the cultural shift, the new workflow and processes, or provide support to help […]

The Important Components of Augmented Analytics!

AutoML, NLP and Clickless Analytics Come Together to Produce Auto Insights! When it comes to the new world of analytics, the augmented analytics approach allows business users with no data science background to readily access and use analytics in an intuitive way. There are some […]

Clickless Analytics is the Future of Business User Analytics!

What Does a Business Need to Do To Ensure That Users Adopt Analytics? If your business is trying to incorporate data analytics into the fabric of day-to-day work, you will need to get your users to adopt analytical tools. The way forward is not all […]

Smarten Launches Clickless Analytics Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics for Business Users!

Smarten announces its Smarten Clickless Analytics, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics tool designed for every business user, no matter their technical expertise or data skills. Natural Language Processing Search Analytics (NLP) is an easy-to-use search analytics technique that allows business users to create […]

Natural Language Processing Supports Business User Analytics!

Encourage User Adoption of Advanced Analytics with NLP Search Analytics! You have selected an advanced analytics solution and deployed it across your enterprise, but your business users are not cooperating! One of the primary reasons for poor user adoption of this type of tool is […]

You Can Have Advanced Analytics AND Augmented!

Shopping for Advanced Analytics? Get Self-Serve Augmented Analytics and Succeed! There are a lot of business intelligence and analytical tools on the market today and if your business has recognized the need to implement this type of solution for self-serve analytics among business users, it […]