Auto Insights: The Secret Weapon for Analytical Results

Auto Insights: Clear and Concise Analytics Gartner predicts that ‘organizations that offer users access to a curated catalog of internal and external data will derive twice as much business value from analytics investments as those that do not.’ In order to make the most of […]

Augmented Analytics with Auto Insights Support Business Users!

Augmented Analytics with ALL Gartner Classified Essential Components AND Auto Insights Too! Gartner classifies essential augmented analytical components and technologies as follows: Machine learning Natural Language generation and natural language processing Automation ‘Combine the three essential components specified by Gartner to create a comprehensive augmented […]

Answer Your Business User Concerns About Augmented Analytics!

Users Might Think Augmented Analytics is Too Difficult. That’s Not True! If you are a business manager who wants to enable a Citizen Data Scientist environment, but you find yourself up against resistance, it is often because your business users believe that advanced analytics is […]

The Important Components of Augmented Analytics!

AutoML, NLP and Clickless Analytics Come Together to Produce Auto Insights! When it comes to the new world of analytics, the augmented analytics approach allows business users with no data science background to readily access and use analytics in an intuitive way. There are some […]

Want to Know Your Business Future? Get Auto Insights!

Read the Tea Leaves For Business Results with Key Influencers and Auto Insights! Even if your business results are on target, even if you feel you have a good handle on how to run the business and what your customers want, there is always room […]

What is Augmented Data Science and Why is it Important to My Business?

If Data Science was once the sole domain of analysts and data scientists, Augmented Data Science represents the democratized view of this domain. With Augmented Data Science, the average business user can engage with advanced analytics tools that allow for automated machine learning (AutoML) and […]

What is Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)?

What is Automated Machine Learning? Quite simply, it is the means by which your business can optimize resources, encourage collaboration and rapidly and dependably distribute data across the enterprise and use that data to predict, plan and achieve revenue goals. With the right tools, today’s […]