Augmented Analytics Must Provide Data Quality and Insight!

How Can I Ensure Data Quality and Gain Data Insight Using Augmented Analytics? There are many business issues surrounding the use of data to make decisions. One such issue is the inability of an organization to gather and analyze data. These enterprises will typically focus […]

Key Influencer Analytics Tells You How to Succeed!

Use Key Influencer Analytics to Understand What Factors Impact Success! Suppose you are trying to understand why a marketing campaign is failing, or what factors cause your customers to buy your services again. What if you need to know whether the color of a product […]

What Citizen Data Scientists DO NOT Need in Augmented Analytics

If you are an IT professional, a business manager or an executive, you have probably been following the progress of the Citizen Data Scientist movement. For a number of years, Gartner and other technology research and analysis firms have predicted and monitored the growth of […]

Augmented Analytics with Auto Insights Support Business Users!

Augmented Analytics with ALL Gartner Classified Essential Components AND Auto Insights Too! Gartner classifies essential augmented analytical components and technologies as follows: Machine learning Natural Language generation and natural language processing Automation ‘Combine the three essential components specified by Gartner to create a comprehensive augmented […]

Can I Ensure That My Analytics Project Gets Approved?

You have decided that your business can benefit from an analytics solution. Now, it is time to convince your executive team, your managers and your users. If you are to gain approval for your initiative, you must take the right approach. In this article, we […]

Self-Serve Analytics Supports Continuous Improvement!

Using Analytics to Encourage Continuous Improvement Can Help Every Business! If you want to encourage and enable continuous improvement within your enterprise, analytics can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goal. When you provide access to augmented analytics solutions for your business […]

On-Premises vs. Cloud Analytics? That Depends!

On-Premises or Cloud Analytics? Which is Right For Your Business? When you consider an analytics solution, there are many factors you must include in your assessment. Not the least of these factors is the method and dependability of the access your team will have. If […]

Encourage User Adoption and Results with Embedded BI!

No Matter the Market Your Business is in, Embedded BI Will Encourage User Adoption! According to recent surveys, 92% of teams report an increase in competitive differentiation because of embedded analytics, and 91% of teams say embedded analytics helps them increase end-user adoption. If your […]

Improve User Adoption of BI Tools with Embedded BI!

Give Your Users Embedded BI with Integration APIs and User Adoption Will Improve! When a business plans to launch an augmented analytics or business intelligence solution, it must carefully plan for user adoption – especially if the launch of this solution is part of a […]

You Can Have Traditional BI and Augmented Analytics!

Does My Business Needs Both Traditional BI & Augmented Analytics? AND, Is it Possible to Have Both? Every business is unique and it is that unique character that drives its decisions. When it comes to analytics, and the democratization of data throughout the enterprise, the […]