Choose the Right Mobile BI Solution for Your Business!

What Do I Need to Know Before I Choose a Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) Solution for My Business? What makes a great Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) solution? There are many factors to consider and, if you do not choose wisely, you risk a) spending a […]

Smarten Support Portal Updates – June – 2024!

We invite you to explore our latest knowledgebase articles and to join the Smarten user community on Smarten Support Portal. If you have not registered yet, Click Here to obtain your login credentials. Knowledgebase Articles Access Rights, Roles and Permissions : AD Integration in Smarten […]

Does Embedded BI Support User Decisions?

Where Does Embedded BI Fit in Business Decision-Making? Recent research reveals five primary benefits for embedding business intelligence into popular business apps and software: Improved user experience Increased user adoption when compared to separate BI tools Improved data insight and clarity Optimized business performance Improved […]

Understanding and Addressing Data Anomalies in Business!

How Can My Business Understand and Handle Those Pesky Data Anomalies? Why guess at the cause of your business results? Whether you are seeing positive or negative results, it is still important to understand the ‘why.’ Without this information, you cannot adapt and adjust to […]

Integrated Tally Analytics = Small Business Results

Business Benefits for Small Businesses Integrating Analytics with Tally Solutions! Some small business owners believe they do not need, or cannot afford, business analytics. Nothing could be further from the truth! If your business is currently using Tally Prime or Tally ERP, you can leverage […]

Smarten Support Portal Updates – May – 2024!

We invite you to explore our latest knowledgebase articles and to join the Smarten user community on Smarten Support Portal. If you have not registered yet, Click Here to obtain your login credentials. Knowledgebase Articles General : Global Variable : Calculating Profit/Loss Variance based on […]

Embed BI Within Your Enterprise Apps and Enjoy User Adoption!

If You Want Your Users to Adopt BI Tools, Embedded BI is the Way to Go! If you are considering a business intelligence or augmented analytics solution for your business users, or if you have already invested in these tools, you will want to focus […]

Embedded BI Can Improve Customer Service!

Using Embedded BI to Improve Customer Service and Satisfaction! As a software solution product and service provider, you are focused on the common issues your customers face, providing features and functionality that will satisfy the most customers and give you an edge in the market. […]

AI In Analytics: Today and Tomorrow!

Nothing…and I DO mean NOTHING…is more prominent in technology buzz today than Artificial Intelligence (AI). The use of Generative AI, LLM and products such as ChatGPT capabilities has been applied to all kinds of industries, from publishing and research to targeted marketing and healthcare. Gartner […]

Combine Mobile Analytics with Tally Solutions!

Get the Most Out of Your Tally Solution with Integrated Mobile Augmented Analytics! If you are a Tally ERP or a Tally Prime user, you know the value of the comprehensive financial management solution for managing accounting, inventory, purchasing, sales, finances, taxes, etc. But, what […]