Case Study – Augmented Analytics Solution for India State Government Citizen Centric Schemes!

The Client is a state government with a population of approximately 30 million citizens, and an annual budget of $5 billion USD. This government agency focuses on implementing IT and e-governance initiatives to enhance citizen services and governance efficiency. By leveraging advanced technology, the agency […]

Understanding and Addressing Data Anomalies in Business!

How Can My Business Understand and Handle Those Pesky Data Anomalies? Why guess at the cause of your business results? Whether you are seeing positive or negative results, it is still important to understand the ‘why.’ Without this information, you cannot adapt and adjust to […]

Embedded BI Ensures User Adoption!

Why Should My Business Adopt Embedded BI and Analytics? There are many reasons to consider adding embedded BI to your enterprise technology landscape. When you are making a critical business decision, one of the factors you probably include is how your competitors and other businesses […]

Citizen Data Scientists Need These 3 Things to Succeed!

3 Primary Components for Citizen Data Scientist Success! The Citizen Data Scientist phenomenon is in full swing and, while the approach has its detractors, the proof is in success, and many organizations are actively succeeding using the Citizen Data Scientist approach. Gartner has predicted that, […]

Case Study – Smarten Augmented Analytics Provides Comprehensive Solution for India’s Largest Jewelry Brand!

The Client is India’s largest omni-channel jewelry brand, and is recognized and renowned by India consumers. The Client has 165 retail stores in 66+ cities across India, as well as a thriving jewelry eCommerce presence online. Its product line includes rings, earrings, pendants, necklaces, chains, […]

Give Your Business Users Mobile BI to Ensure Success!

Why Should My Enterprise Provide Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) Tools to Business Users? Many businesses are beginning to see and leverage the value of business intelligence and augmented analytics within the organization to engender data democratization, improve data literacy and collaboration and improve results. In […]

Simplify and Improve Analytics with Self-Serve Data Prep!

Self-Serve Data Preparation Transforms Business Users to Citizen Data Scientists! Data Scientists spend a lot of time gathering and preparing data for analysis, and that is time they could spend more productively performing tasks that add value and strategic direction. Business users cannot even hope […]

Avoid Citizen Data Scientist Program Failure!

The Truth About Citizen Data Scientists: Do They Add Value or Is the Concept Mere Buzz? If you read trade or industry journals or business publications, you have probably noticed that the subject of the Citizen Data Scientist is fraught with controversy. While Gartner and […]

Self-Serve Analytics Supports Continuous Improvement!

Using Analytics to Encourage Continuous Improvement Can Help Every Business! If you want to encourage and enable continuous improvement within your enterprise, analytics can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goal. When you provide access to augmented analytics solutions for your business […]