Embedded BI Simplifies Business User Analytics!

Use Embedded BI to Encourage Business User Analytics Adoption! Today, even the smallest business depends on technology and software to manage the business process, capture data and move the enterprise forward. No matter the size of a business, executives and managers now realize the value […]

Does Embedded BI Support User Decisions?

Where Does Embedded BI Fit in Business Decision-Making? Recent research reveals five primary benefits for embedding business intelligence into popular business apps and software: Improved user experience Increased user adoption when compared to separate BI tools Improved data insight and clarity Optimized business performance Improved […]

Embed BI Within Your Enterprise Apps and Enjoy User Adoption!

If You Want Your Users to Adopt BI Tools, Embedded BI is the Way to Go! If you are considering a business intelligence or augmented analytics solution for your business users, or if you have already invested in these tools, you will want to focus […]

Embedded BI Can Improve Customer Service!

Using Embedded BI to Improve Customer Service and Satisfaction! As a software solution product and service provider, you are focused on the common issues your customers face, providing features and functionality that will satisfy the most customers and give you an edge in the market. […]

Embedded BI Provides Insight Into Enterprise Data!

Embedded BI Can Provide Numerous Benefits to the Team and the Enterprise! When a business invests in technology, either to buy a best-of-breed solution or to develop their own enterprise apps, there is significant expense. If you are developing your own solution, you are using […]

Does Embedded BI Offer a Business Application Advantage?

Can Embedded BI Make My Software Business More Competitive? If your business creates software products and applications, you know how competitive the market can be, and you are always looking for ways to gain a competitive advantage. In this article, we discuss the competitive advantages […]

Add Embedded BI with Integration APIs to Your Software!

Embedded BI with Integration APIs Improves User Adoption, Business Decisions and Results! There are many reasons to adopt a business intelligence or augmented analytics solution for your business. Whether yours is a small, medium, or large business or a start-up, whether you work in retail, […]

Embedded BI Adds Value to Your Products and Services!

Embedded BI with Integration APIs Provides the Opportunity for Additional Customer Value and Products! There is a lot of talk about Embedded BI today. Adding business intelligence from within popular enterprise applications can be very valuable and can add productivity for business users with a […]

Embedded BI with Integration APIs Offers Competitive Advantage!

Embedded BI and an Expert Partner Can Help You Gain Competitive Advantage! When a business wants to improve its competitive advantage, it often focuses narrowly on its product features, pricing and other offerings in the market. In fact, a competitive advantage can come from market […]

Achieve Improved Apps ROI and TCO with Embedded BI!

Results Don’t Lie! Embedded BI Improves Productivity, and Customer and Team Satisfaction! Research reveals that, ‘96% of application teams say embedded analytics contributes to overall revenue growth.’ If your business is looking for ways to improve revenue growth, look no further than embedded BI. While […]