Use Smart Data Visualization to Improve Decisions!

Smart Data Visualization and Personalized Dashboards Improve Data Insight and Team Collaboration! Augmented Analytics was designed to remove the barriers erected by the traditional business intelligence and analytics solutions. In order to achieve data democratization and improve data literacy among team members within an enterprise, […]

AI In Analytics: Today and Tomorrow!

Nothing…and I DO mean NOTHING…is more prominent in technology buzz today than Artificial Intelligence (AI). The use of Generative AI, LLM and products such as ChatGPT capabilities has been applied to all kinds of industries, from publishing and research to targeted marketing and healthcare. Gartner […]

Augmented Analytics with Auto Insights Support Business Users!

Augmented Analytics with ALL Gartner Classified Essential Components AND Auto Insights Too! Gartner classifies essential augmented analytical components and technologies as follows: Machine learning Natural Language generation and natural language processing Automation ‘Combine the three essential components specified by Gartner to create a comprehensive augmented […]

Monitor and Address Anomalies to Keep Your Business On Track!

Augmented Analytics Can Provide Monitoring, Alerts, and an Understanding of Crucial Relationships! For business professionals, there are never enough hours in the day. While you are distracted with the day-to-day and putting out all those fires, something critical may happen and you may not even […]

A Mobile BI App is Mandatory in Today’s Remote Work Environment!

Select the Right Mobile BI Solution and Give Your Team What They Need to Succeed! If your business is trying to gain a competitive advantage, it is important to understand the current trends. Perhaps nothing has garnered more attention today than the transition to remote […]

Make Analytics Easy with NLP Search Capability!

NLP Search Capability Assures User Adoption of Augmented Analytics! Gartner predicts that, ‘50% of analytical queries will be generated via search, NLP or voice, or will be automatically generated.’ If your business is considering democratizing data and rolling out analytical capabilities to team members within […]

How Can I Get My Business Users to Adopt Augmented Analytics?

Drive User Adoption with Embedded BI and Single Sign-On Convenience! All of your business users have a favorite software application – an app they value because it helps them do their job more easily, or helps them get crucial information. These are the applications they […]

Embedded BI Improves User Adoption of Enterprise Apps!

How Embedded BI Can Add Value and Improve ROI for Enterprise Apps! No matter your reason for investing in that business application, the investment was meant to improve the business, to make team members more productive, to act as a repository for important business data […]

Increase Team Member Value with Augmented Analytics!

Make the Most of Your Team Member Skills with Augmented Analytics! Every business owner and manager understands the problem of limited resources. Today, you have fewer team members and you must do more to compete in the market. To enhance productivity and collaboration and ensure […]