Drive User Adoption with Embedded BI and Single Sign-On Convenience!

All of your business users have a favorite software application – an app they value because it helps them do their job more easily, or helps them get crucial information. These are the applications they have learned and they are used to leveraging them on a day-to-day basis to perform tasks. When you introduce augmented analytics into your business environment, one of the most critical factors is whether you can expect user adoption. Finding and implementing the right augmented analytics solution is just the first step. If you can’t get your users to USE the application, your return on investment (ROI) will be poor and your total cost of ownership (TCO) will be high.
The wise business manager knows that they have to help users see the value and explain how the new analytical solution will assist the user in everyday workflow and business processes. And, even if the application is as user-friendly as advertised, it won’t be adopted if the user finds it inconvenient to do so.
SO…you can choose the right advanced analytics solution, promote and champion it well and still fail at user adoption. Why? Because your users are creatures of habit. They are used to the software applications they like – those legacy or best of breed apps that help them do their jobs. But, what would happen if you embedded BI and analytics into the software app your users love so well, into ALL the software apps your users like and use?
With a single sign-on to the software application of choice, the business user can perform tasks, get their work done and use analytics to find data, using a familiar interface and system, and analyze data to make better decisions and to share and collaborate. Managers will see results in the form of improved productivity, user adoption and (most critically) fact-based decisions and recommendations that will drive objectives and goals.
Embedded Business Intelligence and Augmented Analytics gives your users the best of both worlds. They can take advantage of the new tools and features and they can use the same software applications they love, all in one place. Problem solved!
If you want to encourage your business users to employ data analytics and make analytics available within familiar enterprise applications, you can explore the advantages here: Embedded BI. Download our White Paper, ‘Making The Case For Embedded BI And Analytics.’