Use Smart Data Visualization to Improve Decisions!

Smart Data Visualization and Personalized Dashboards Improve Data Insight and Team Collaboration! Augmented Analytics was designed to remove the barriers erected by the traditional business intelligence and analytics solutions. In order to achieve data democratization and improve data literacy among team members within an enterprise, […]

Include Mobile BI in Your Augmented Analytics Requirements!

What Are the Advantages of Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics? A recent report revealed that by, 2028, the Augmented Analytics market is projected to reach USD 46.26 billion at a CAGR of 24.30%. The business intelligence solution market has evolved into augmented analytics and these […]

Traditional & Modern BI and Analytics: A Perfect Combination Solutions!

Combine Traditional BI with Modern BI and Analytics to Improve User Adoption and Gain Advantage! The world-renowned technology research firm, Gartner, predicts that, ‘through 2024, 50% of organizations will adopt modern data quality solutions to better support their digital business initiatives’. As businesses consider the […]

White Paper: Making the Case for Embedded BI and Analytics

When a business considers business intelligence and augmented analytics initiatives, it should include Embedded BI and Integration APIs to improve ROI, TCO and user adoption. If an enterprise does not understand the risks of data silos, and restrictive analytics solutions, it is not likely to […]

Increase Team Member Value with Augmented Analytics!

Make the Most of Your Team Member Skills with Augmented Analytics! Every business owner and manager understands the problem of limited resources. Today, you have fewer team members and you must do more to compete in the market. To enhance productivity and collaboration and ensure […]

Give Your Business Users Simple Augmented Analytics!

Business Users Don’t Have to Be Data Scientists (But Basic Knowledge is Great) When you launch an analytics solution within your enterprise, you are probably concerned about getting your business users to adopt that solution. If you can’t engage the business user and achieve user […]

What is Modern BI and How is it Different From Traditional BI?

Business Intelligence isn’t new but the way we gather, analyze and digest this intelligence is definitely changing. In the past, business intelligence was delivered to senior executives by IT and/or business analysts. The combination of a fast-paced business environment and a limited budget and limited […]