Use Smart Data Visualization to Improve Decisions!

Smart Data Visualization and Personalized Dashboards Improve Data Insight and Team Collaboration! Augmented Analytics was designed to remove the barriers erected by the traditional business intelligence and analytics solutions. In order to achieve data democratization and improve data literacy among team members within an enterprise, […]

Find the Right Augmented Analytics Solution and Provider

Assessing Augmented Analytics Companies, Vendors and Services When you decide to implement an augmented analytics solution, or upgrade or transition to a more beneficial solution, you must carefully review the capabilities of the prospective solution and the vendor skills and experience, as well as the […]

Plan Carefully for Your Augmented Analytics Project

Adopting Augmented Analytics: How to Get Started Gartner has predicted that, in the future ‘…40% of data science tasks will be automated, resulting in increased productivity and broader usage by citizen data scientists.’ If you are planning to implement an augmented analytics solution, you must […]

Consider the Benefits of Augmented Analytics

The Importance and Benefits of Augmented Analytics If your business is considering an augmented analytics solution, or your enterprise already has some version of business intelligence or analytics and it wishes to upgrade or transition to a more beneficial solution, it is crucial to present […]

Understanding Augmented Analytics and Its Evolution

What is Augmented Analytics and How Has it Evolved? Perhaps your business is considering an augmented analytics solution, or your enterprise already has some version of business intelligence or analytics and it wishes to upgrade or transition to a more beneficial solution. Maybe you just […]

Smart Data Visualization Improves Business User Adoption!

Smart Data Visualization Tells a Story to Support Business Decisions! The Wharton School of Management reports that, ‘only half of an audience is convinced by a purely verbal presentation, but that number jumps to over two thirds when visuals are added.’ Why is that? The […]

Smart Data Visualization Presents a Clear Picture of Data!

Smart Data Visualization Tells a ‘Story’ and Provides Data Insight! Clarity is crucial to business success. The enterprise may need to make a decision about investment, product pricing, opening a new location or other issue. Team members may need to gather and present data to […]

Data Agility and ‘Popularity’​ vs. Data Quality in Self-Serve BI and Analytics!

One of the most valuable aspects of self-serve business intelligence is the opportunity it provides for data and analytical sharing among business users within the organization. When business users adopt true self-serve BI tools like Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis, Smart Data Visualization, and Self-Serve Data Preparation, they […]

Can Smart Data Visualization Help My Business Users?

Without Smart Data Visualization Tools, Business Users Will Not Embrace Analytics! If you want your business users to have access to analytics tools that are easy enough for the average user to understand, you will want to select augmented analytics that are easy to use […]