Natural Language Processing Analytics for Business Users!

Clickless Analytics in Augmented Analytics Solution Supports Users with Simple Searches and Results! Every consumer and business user loves the new world of search and query. Google-type searches offer the ability to ask a question in simple form, and receive an answer you can understand. […]

Give Your Business Users Mobile BI to Ensure Success!

Why Should My Enterprise Provide Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) Tools to Business Users? Many businesses are beginning to see and leverage the value of business intelligence and augmented analytics within the organization to engender data democratization, improve data literacy and collaboration and improve results. In […]

NLP Search and Clickless Analytics Improves User Adoption!

Clickless Analytics and NLP Search Ensures User Adoption of Analytics! It’s human nature! People will always find the easiest way to do something and stick to that approach. So, if you are considering a self-serve approach to analytics in your organization, and you want to […]

Combine Natural Language Processing and Augmented Analytics!

Choose an Augmented Analytics Solution with Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics! Research reveals that the global statistical natural language processing (NLP) market size is projected to grow to $3.7 billion USD within the next five years, an annual growth rate of 20%. The use […]

A Mobile BI App is Mandatory in Today’s Remote Work Environment!

Select the Right Mobile BI Solution and Give Your Team What They Need to Succeed! If your business is trying to gain a competitive advantage, it is important to understand the current trends. Perhaps nothing has garnered more attention today than the transition to remote […]

Make Analytics Easy with NLP Search Capability!

NLP Search Capability Assures User Adoption of Augmented Analytics! Gartner predicts that, ‘50% of analytical queries will be generated via search, NLP or voice, or will be automatically generated.’ If your business is considering democratizing data and rolling out analytical capabilities to team members within […]

Context-Driven Natural Language Processing (NLP) Beats ‘Dumb’ NLP Every Time!

If you are an avid reader of technical research or industry journals, you probably know about Natural Language Processing or NLP. If you don’t know about it, you certainly use it every day – whether you know it or not! When you search using Google, […]

Smarten Augmented Analytics Now Available on Mobile App!

Smarten is pleased to announce the launch of its Mobile Application for Smarten Augmented Analytics. This native app has a seamless user interface for a great user experience (UX). Smarten Mobile app is available for iOS and Android. Installation is easy. Smarten CEO, Kartik Patel […]

Data Democratization On the Business Front Line!

There has been a lot of press about the concept of Data Democratization and the resulting improvement in data literacy across the enterprise and yet, many businesses still see this democratization effort as restricted to middle managers or to the use of analytics within the […]