Auto Insights: The Secret Weapon for Analytical Results

Auto Insights: Clear and Concise Analytics Gartner predicts that ‘organizations that offer users access to a curated catalog of internal and external data will derive twice as much business value from analytics investments as those that do not.’ In order to make the most of […]

Augmented Analytics with Auto Insights Support Business Users!

Augmented Analytics with ALL Gartner Classified Essential Components AND Auto Insights Too! Gartner classifies essential augmented analytical components and technologies as follows: Machine learning Natural Language generation and natural language processing Automation ‘Combine the three essential components specified by Gartner to create a comprehensive augmented […]

Monitor and Address Anomalies to Keep Your Business On Track!

Augmented Analytics Can Provide Monitoring, Alerts, and an Understanding of Crucial Relationships! For business professionals, there are never enough hours in the day. While you are distracted with the day-to-day and putting out all those fires, something critical may happen and you may not even […]

Too Busy to Monitor Results? Augmented Analytics Can Help!

With Augmented Analytics Tools You Can Gain Insight and Track Business Results! If you own or work in a business, you know that, while you are busy doing what you do on a daily basis, things can change. The change itself is challenging but what […]

Want to Know Your Business Future? Get Auto Insights!

Read the Tea Leaves For Business Results with Key Influencers and Auto Insights! Even if your business results are on target, even if you feel you have a good handle on how to run the business and what your customers want, there is always room […]

Augmented Analytics Solution: Pass or Fail?

Choose an Augmented Analytics Solution Your Business Users Will WANT to Adopt! Your senior management team has decided to engender digital transformation and improve data literacy across the enterprise. As a primary step in this process, the team wants to implement an augmented analytics solution […]

Auto Insights Provide Simple Answers for Business Users!

How Can I Make it Easier for Business Users to Perform Analytics? When a business wants to roll out advanced analytics to its business users, it must consider the average skill level and understanding of analytical techniques and ensure that the solution it chooses will […]

What is Auto Insight? It Is Analytics Made Easy!

Auto Insight Can Help Business Users Analyze Data at the Touch of a Button! When you are trying to implement a data democratization initiative and give your business users access to analytics, you can run into roadblocks with analytical tools and solutions that are too […]