Augmented Analytics Provides Benefits to Data Scientists!

When an enterprise undertakes an Augmented Analytics project, it is typically doing so because it wishes to initiate data democratization, improve data literacy among its team members and create Citizen Data Scientists. The organization looks for a solution that is easy enough for its business […]

Self-Serve Data Prep CAN Be Easy AND Sophisticated!

The Right Self-Serve Data Preparation Solution is Sophisticated, Easy-to-Use and Ensures User Adoption! When your enterprise decides to roll out analytics for business users, it is important to implement the right solution. If your team has easy-to-use tools and features, you are much more likely […]

Use Self-Serve Analytics to Enable Data Democratization!

How Can I Encourage Data Democratization with BI and Augmented Analytics Tools? What is business intelligence democratization? Put simply, BI democratization is the open access to business intelligence and analytical tools to enable analysis and understanding of the data within the enterprise systems. The ‘democratization’ […]

Leverage Self Serve Data Preparation for All Users!

Self Service Data Preparation Makes Data Accessible to Business Users! Preparing data for analysis used to be a long, difficult process performed by IT or data scientists. Needless to say, that process meant that business users could not get the job done. They were forced […]

Self-Serve Data Preparation Prepares You for the Future!

Don’t Be Afraid of Self-Serve Data Preparation! It’s Easy. You Can Do It! Oh, the mysterious world of data preparation! It is daunting and confusing and…wait, no! It doesn’t have to be. If you aren’t employed as an IT professional, a business analyst or a […]

Data Preparation Need Not Be Cumbersome or Time Consuming

Data drives decisions and, in today’s competitive business environment, the kind of fact-based decisions achieved through Advanced Analytics are mandatory. These data-driven decisions ensure that a business does not make a misstep or have to guess at forecasts, plans and the root cause of problems.

What is Augmented Data Preparation and Why is it Important?

The average business user does not have a full grasp of Advanced Data Discovery or Data Preparation methods, and most organizations would not want business users to waste precious time trying to navigate the complexities of a manual data preparation process. If a business provides a solid foundation for […]

Self Serve Data Preparation: No Skills Required!

Self Service Data Preparation Takes the Complexity Out of Data Prep! When asked about using an analytical solution to find and use data and make decisions, many business users feel insecure about the process required to get to the results. Data preparation has traditionally been […]

Augmented Analytics and ETL Tools for Business Users!

Can Business Users Really Figure Out Data Prep and Analytics? It is a great idea to get your business users involved in analytics and to encourage and build data literacy in your enterprise but one of the things that often stops an organization from implementing […]