Embedded BI Improves User Adoption of Enterprise Apps!

How Embedded BI Can Add Value and Improve ROI for Enterprise Apps! No matter your reason for investing in that business application, the investment was meant to improve the business, to make team members more productive, to act as a repository for important business data […]

How Embedded BI Can Benefit the Enterprise and Its Team Members!

The trend toward analytics is growing globally. Even the smallest business is jumping on the bandwagon, and with good reason. With market changes, shifts in customer buying behavior and the need to spend wisely, businesses must make data-driven decisions if they are to be competitive […]

Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SMEs) Needs Self-Serve Advanced Analytics!

If your small or medium sized (SME) business is looking for ways to improve forecasting, problem solving and market opportunities, it must have an agile, swift analytical process that will allow business users to leverage their role, their knowledge of their business function and their […]

What is Embedded BI and Why Does Your Business Need it NOW?

Embedded BI and Augmented Analytics WILL Improve User Adoption, ROI and TCO! Have you heard of Embedded BI? Do you know what it is? If not, your business is missing a lot. Embedded BI provides a lot of potential for your business to enable Citizen […]

White Paper: Making the Case for Embedded BI and Analytics

When a business considers business intelligence and augmented analytics initiatives, it should include Embedded BI and Integration APIs to improve ROI, TCO and user adoption. If an enterprise does not understand the risks of data silos, and restrictive analytics solutions, it is not likely to […]