What is Natural Language Processing & How Does it Benefit a Business? (Part 3 of 3 articles)

Whether we know it or not, we use Natural Language Processing every day. It makes it easier for us to interact with computers and software and allows us to perform complex searches and tasks without the help of a programmer, developer or analyst. In this, […]

Business Users Can Enjoy Self-Serve Data Preparation!

The Benefits of Self-Serve Data Prep for YOU and Business Users! I won’t lie to you! The benefits of augmented analytics that includes self-serve data preparation for business users…well, those benefits are truly impressive! So, let’s cut to the chase. With self-serve data preparation tools, […]

The Benefits of Augmented Analytics Are Many!

What are the Advantages of Augmented Analytics and How Can My Business Benefit? It is hard to overstate the benefits and advantages of advanced analytics. If an enterprise takes the time to review and document requirements for an advanced analytics solution and chooses wisely, it […]

Successful Augmented Analytics Initiatives Do Not End with Implementation!

The successful implementation of an augmented analytics solution for business users is not just about choosing a cost-effective tool and completing a timely deployment, nor does the process stop with training. In order to get business users to embrace and adopt self-serve augmented data discovery […]

Business Analytics and NLP Search for Business Users!

Natural Language Processing Makes Advanced Analytics Accessible to Every User! Whether you know it or not, you are familiar with Natural Language Processing. Applications of NLP include search techniques used in Google and other popular tools. The use of natural language processing in self-serve advanced […]