Consider Augmented Analytics to Jumpstart Your Dx Initiative!

Integrate Augmented Analytics as a Foundation for Digital Transformation! Digital Transformation (Dx) is achieved when an organization plans and exploits digital technologies, workflow and processes, and its core capabilities and skills with an enterprise culture that evolves and shifts to engender a digital business model […]

White Paper: Integrate Augmented Analytics and Digital Transformation to Achieve Continuous Business Improvement

Wise business managers are embracing the Digital Transformation initiative in an effort to improve accuracy, productivity and the integration of technology and analytics within the organization. Augmented Analytics is a logical and critical addition to the Dx initiative and will significantly enhance the success of […]

What is Clickless Analysis and Why Should I Care?

What is Clickless Analytics and How Can It Make My Life Easier? Whether you know it or not, you know Natural Language Processing (NLP) very well! You use it all the time to ask questions on Google Ask a simple question, get a list of […]

Augmented Data Discovery Makes Advanced Analytics Easy!

What is Advanced Analytics and Is It Suitable for Every Business? Advanced analytics is an aspect of data science, leveraging sophisticated algorithms, methodologies and tools to understand trends, and patterns, and predict future results. As this industry has evolved, advanced analytics technologies have incorporated machine […]

Citizen Data Scientists Need Not Be Data Scientist!

Support Your Citizen Data Scientists with Augmented Analytics! If your business wants to take on a Citizen Data Scientist initiative, it must enable its culture to support augmented analytics within the enterprise at every skill level and provide support to transform business users into the […]

Forget Complex ETL Skills. Self-Serve Data Prep is Here!

What is Self-Service Data Preparation & Can it Provide Actual Business Results? Let’s cut to the chase! Results are everything and when you think of a task like preparing data for analytics, that task does not seem to have a direct connection to results. Or […]

Smarten Launches COVID-19 Coronavirus Website to Track Infection Trends and Geography in India

‘Facts are to the mind what food is to the body’ ~ Edmund Burke ~ India is not exempt from the Corona Virus (COVID-19) and, as with every other country around the world, the prospect of infection and spread throughout the cities of India is […]

Forecast and Plan with Confidence (and Predictive Analytics)!

Predictive Analytics for Business Users = Assisted Predictive Modeling! Are you tired of using guesswork and opinions to make business decisions? These types of decision-making can be particularly dangerous to your business when they are applied to predicting and forecasting. If you are to be […]

Self-Serve Data Prep with Data Governance AND Agility!

Self-Serve Data Prep Balances Data Agility with Data Governance! If your business understands the value of self-serve data preparation and augmented analytics, but your IT team or senior management is concerned about data governance and data security, you need not worry. You can use self-serve […]