Recognize and Address Recent Market Changes with Citizen Data Scientists! While many of you may follow the research and market analytics provided by Gartner, you may sometimes find yourselves wondering if their predictions and market analysis are correct. When it comes to the predicted transformation […]
Tag: Training for Citizen Data Scientist
Users Might Think Augmented Analytics is Too Difficult. That’s Not True! If you are a business manager who wants to enable a Citizen Data Scientist environment, but you find yourself up against resistance, it is often because your business users believe that advanced analytics is […]
Enterprise Culture Change Assures Success of Citizen Data Scientist Initiatives! Many businesses have embraced the Gartner prediction that transforms business users into Citizen Data Scientists to help organizations democratize analytics with simple tools that will improve the quality and timeliness of decisions. You can read […]
Identify Citizen Data Scientists and Provide the Support They Need to Succeed! When your business decides to begin a Citizen Data Scientist initiative, it faces numerous challenges but the resulting benefits the enterprise will reap from this program are undeniable. With the right preparation, every […]
Planning for Citizen Data Scientists & Augmented Analytics Initiatives! When a business chooses to follow the guidance of Gartner and embrace the Citizen Data Scientist initiative to transform business users and provide analytical tools for all team members, it must approach the initiative with appropriate […]
This article will focus on the Naïve Bayes Classification method of analysis. What is Naïve Bayes Classification? Naive Bayes is a classification algorithm that is suitable for binary and multiclass classification. It is a supervised classification technique used to classify future objects by assigning class […]
In this article, we will discuss the KNN Classification method of analysis. What is the KNN Classification Algorithm? The KNN (K Nearest Neighbors) algorithm analyzes all available data points and classifies this data, then classifies new cases based on these established categories. It is useful […]
This article discusses the analytical technique known as Sampling and provides a brief explanation of two types of sampling analysis, and how each of these methods is applied. What is Sampling Analysis? Sampling is the technique of selecting a representative part of a population for […]
In this article, we will discuss the Binary Logistic Regression Classification method of analysis, and how it can be used in business. What is Binary Logistic Regression Classification? Logistic regression measures the relationship between the categorical target variable and one or more independent variables. It […]
This article describes the Simple Linear Regression method of analysis. What is Simple Linear Regression? Simple Linear Regression is a statistical technique that attempts to explore the relationship between one independent variable (X) and one dependent variable (Y). This method helps a business to identify […]