Consider the Benefits of Augmented Analytics

The Importance and Benefits of Augmented Analytics If your business is considering an augmented analytics solution, or your enterprise already has some version of business intelligence or analytics and it wishes to upgrade or transition to a more beneficial solution, it is crucial to present […]

Understanding Augmented Analytics and Its Evolution

What is Augmented Analytics and How Has it Evolved? Perhaps your business is considering an augmented analytics solution, or your enterprise already has some version of business intelligence or analytics and it wishes to upgrade or transition to a more beneficial solution. Maybe you just […]

Self-Serve Analytics Supports Continuous Improvement!

Using Analytics to Encourage Continuous Improvement Can Help Every Business! If you want to encourage and enable continuous improvement within your enterprise, analytics can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goal. When you provide access to augmented analytics solutions for your business […]

How Can I Ensure My Citizen Data Scientists Succeed?

Three Factors to Ensure Success of a Citizen Data Scientist Initiative! If your organization is starting a Citizen Data Scientist initiative, or if you have already implemented this type of initiative, you are probably wondering how to tell if your business users are successfully transitioning […]

Mobile BI Means Flexibility and Access For Your Team!

Mobile Analytics Features Are Key to Productivity and Decision-Making! Analytics Insight reports that there are some important factors to consider when you look for a Business Intelligence or Augmented Analytics solution. Among the top considerations: Self-Service BI Collaborative Features Mobile BI Data Visualization Citizen Data […]

Get Analytics with Reports Your Users Can Understand!

Choose Augmented Analytics With Customizable Reporting for Your Users! One of the top reasons business users resist adopting analytics is that they perceive these solutions to be too difficult to use and that, even if they can use the solution to perform analytics, the resulting […]

Should I Start a Citizen Data Scientist Program?

Is it the Right Time for My Business to Initiate a Citizen Data Scientist Program? Whether you are a business owner, a business executive or a business manager, or you just like to keep up with industry trends, you no doubt have read about the […]

Case Study – Smarten Augmented Analytics Case Study: Pharmaceutical, Clinical Research and Innovation Company

The Client is a global business governed by a foundation whose mission is to have a meaningful social impact, both for patients and for a sustainable world. With its unique governance model, the Client business can fully serve its vocation with a long-term vision and […]

Mobile BI Tools for Citizen Data Scientists!

Mobile BI Tools Support Citizen Data Scientists and All Team Members With Access to Critical Data! When a business takes on a Citizen Data Scientist initiative, it must provide the tools and techniques the business user will need to support the new role. Augmented Analytics […]

Encourage User Adoption and Results with Embedded BI!

No Matter the Market Your Business is in, Embedded BI Will Encourage User Adoption! According to recent surveys, 92% of teams report an increase in competitive differentiation because of embedded analytics, and 91% of teams say embedded analytics helps them increase end-user adoption. If your […]