Give Your Business Users Mobile BI to Ensure Success!

Why Should My Enterprise Provide Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) Tools to Business Users? Many businesses are beginning to see and leverage the value of business intelligence and augmented analytics within the organization to engender data democratization, improve data literacy and collaboration and improve results. In […]

Augment Analytics with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Integrating Artificial Intelligence with Analytics Can Increase the Relevance of Analytics! Among the many uses for artificial intelligence (AI), analytics holds a particularly interesting position. While there is still a ways to go before the use of AI is generally accepted as being dependable, the […]

Consider Mobile BI and Its Benefits!

The Right Mobile BI Solution Can Improve User Adoption and Enterprise Results! If your enterprise has recently adopted business intelligence and augmented analytics, but you are finding it difficult to get your users to engage with analytics and use the solution available to them, you […]

Avoid Citizen Data Scientist Program Failure!

The Truth About Citizen Data Scientists: Do They Add Value or Is the Concept Mere Buzz? If you read trade or industry journals or business publications, you have probably noticed that the subject of the Citizen Data Scientist is fraught with controversy. While Gartner and […]

Embedded BI Brings More Value to Analytics!

Embedded BI Improves Results, User Adoption and Data Democratization! If you are considering business intelligence and self-serve analytics for your organization, it is important to a) focus on the numerous benefits of this approach to data management and decision-making and b) to research and select […]

Mobile BI is Convenient and Valuable!

What’s the Benefit of Mobile BI? In this article, we will NOT discuss the benefits of analytics and business intelligence. If your business does not already understand the advantages analytics provides to the organization and to its users, there are plenty of other articles you […]

Find the Right Augmented Analytics Solution and Provider

Assessing Augmented Analytics Companies, Vendors and Services When you decide to implement an augmented analytics solution, or upgrade or transition to a more beneficial solution, you must carefully review the capabilities of the prospective solution and the vendor skills and experience, as well as the […]

Plan Carefully for Your Augmented Analytics Project

Adopting Augmented Analytics: How to Get Started Gartner has predicted that, in the future ‘…40% of data science tasks will be automated, resulting in increased productivity and broader usage by citizen data scientists.’ If you are planning to implement an augmented analytics solution, you must […]

Consider the Benefits of Augmented Analytics

The Importance and Benefits of Augmented Analytics If your business is considering an augmented analytics solution, or your enterprise already has some version of business intelligence or analytics and it wishes to upgrade or transition to a more beneficial solution, it is crucial to present […]

Understanding Augmented Analytics and Its Evolution

What is Augmented Analytics and How Has it Evolved? Perhaps your business is considering an augmented analytics solution, or your enterprise already has some version of business intelligence or analytics and it wishes to upgrade or transition to a more beneficial solution. Maybe you just […]