Embed BI Within Your Enterprise Apps and Enjoy User Adoption!

If You Want Your Users to Adopt BI Tools, Embedded BI is the Way to Go! If you are considering a business intelligence or augmented analytics solution for your business users, or if you have already invested in these tools, you will want to focus […]

Augmented Analytics Provides Benefits to Data Scientists!

When an enterprise undertakes an Augmented Analytics project, it is typically doing so because it wishes to initiate data democratization, improve data literacy among its team members and create Citizen Data Scientists. The organization looks for a solution that is easy enough for its business […]

Understand PMML (It’s Not That Hard)!

Incorporate PMML Integration Within Augmented Analytics to Easily Manage Predictive Models! You may not be an analytics expert and you may find terms like PMML Integration somewhat daunting. But in reality, the concept is not complex, and the value is outstanding! So, what is PMML […]

Use Smart Data Visualization to Improve Decisions!

Smart Data Visualization and Personalized Dashboards Improve Data Insight and Team Collaboration! Augmented Analytics was designed to remove the barriers erected by the traditional business intelligence and analytics solutions. In order to achieve data democratization and improve data literacy among team members within an enterprise, […]

Augmented Analytics Must Provide Data Quality and Insight!

How Can I Ensure Data Quality and Gain Data Insight Using Augmented Analytics? There are many business issues surrounding the use of data to make decisions. One such issue is the inability of an organization to gather and analyze data. These enterprises will typically focus […]

Embedded BI Can Improve Customer Service!

Using Embedded BI to Improve Customer Service and Satisfaction! As a software solution product and service provider, you are focused on the common issues your customers face, providing features and functionality that will satisfy the most customers and give you an edge in the market. […]

AI In Analytics: Today and Tomorrow!

Nothing…and I DO mean NOTHING…is more prominent in technology buzz today than Artificial Intelligence (AI). The use of Generative AI, LLM and products such as ChatGPT capabilities has been applied to all kinds of industries, from publishing and research to targeted marketing and healthcare. Gartner […]

Combine Mobile Analytics with Tally Solutions!

Get the Most Out of Your Tally Solution with Integrated Mobile Augmented Analytics! If you are a Tally ERP or a Tally Prime user, you know the value of the comprehensive financial management solution for managing accounting, inventory, purchasing, sales, finances, taxes, etc. But, what […]

Embedded BI Ensures User Adoption!

Why Should My Business Adopt Embedded BI and Analytics? There are many reasons to consider adding embedded BI to your enterprise technology landscape. When you are making a critical business decision, one of the factors you probably include is how your competitors and other businesses […]