Smarten Launches Clickless Analytics Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics for Business Users!

Smarten announces its Smarten Clickless Analytics, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics tool designed for every business user, no matter their technical expertise or data skills. Natural Language Processing Search Analytics (NLP) is an easy-to-use search analytics technique that allows business users to create […]

Why is Natural Language Processing Important?

What is Clickless Analysis and Why Should I Care? What is Clickless Analysis, and why is it important to your Advanced Analytics solution? Clickless Search Analytics provides seamless augmented analytics and advanced data discovery, using machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), in a self-serve […]

Explain NLP, Search Analytics and Clickless Analytics!

What Is: Search Analytics, NLP and Clickless Analytics Explained! What is Search Analytics? When a business user or analyst employs search analytics, it is for the express purpose of gathering content and data from various sources to achieve an analytical outcome. The data is gathered […]

What is Clickless Analysis? Can it Simplify Adoption of Augmented Analytics? (Part 1 of 3 articles)

The concept of Clickless Analytics is one that will be happily embraced by business users and by the business enterprise. The reason is simple! Clickless Analytics allows users to find and analyze information without specialized skills, by using natural language. In this, the first of […]