Data Preparation Tools Should be Self-Serve

Why is Self-Serve Data Preparation So Important? What is self-serve data preparation? It isn’t a method of making up data. It is a method of preparing data that allows the average business user to compile and analyze data without the assistance of a data scientist […]

White Paper: Self-Serve Data Preparation Provides Significant Benefit to the Enterprise

By providing sophisticated analytical features and algorithms in an easy-to-use self-serve environment, the enterprise enables business users to perform data preparation and test theories and hypotheses and prototype on their own. Rather than preparing data at the central meta-data layer, and restricting what business users […]

Clickless Analytics, कुछ कुछ बोलता है {Part 1 of ∞}

I am going to be blatantly trumpeting of our products, its road map and its usage in this article, and you are likely to get more value out of this than a book on analytics. My guess is that you will read ahead since you […]