Give Your Users Mobile BI and Watch Them Thrive!

Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics Improves Agility, Adaptability and Productivity! Today’s management teams are demanding! Team members must do more and time is short. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and most of those reasons relate to the competition and to the constantly changing […]

Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics is Crucial to Your Team!

Why is Mobile BI Crucial to Your Business Success? Statista surveyed numerous vertical industries, including Financial Services, Government, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, Software Technology, and Telecommunications and 31% to 61% of these industries identified mobile analytics as ‘very important’. If your business is considering […]

Mobile BI Solves Real-World Problems and Improves ROI and TCO!

Tell Your Team How Mobile BI Can Help in the Real World! Technology research firm, Gartner, states that, ‘80% of organizations seeking to scale digital business will fail because they do not take a modern approach to data and analytics governance.’ When considering the ‘modern […]

Mobile BI is an Important Factor in Enterprise Analytics!

What’s So Special About Mobile BI? Gartner says that, ‘90% of corporate strategies will explicitly mention information as a critical enterprise asset and analytics as an essential competency.’ If your business is considering the addition of business intelligence and augmented analytics solutions to democratize data, […]

What to Know to Choose the Right Mobile BI Solution!

What Should My Business Consider When Selecting a Mobile BI Solution? As a business considers the implementation of a BI Tool and access to augmented analytics for its business users, it must define its requirements carefully in order to satisfy its corporate goals and its […]

Improve Analytics User Adoption with Mobile BI App!

The Importance of Adding a Mobile BI App to an Augmented Analytics Strategy! Many businesses are considering, or have implemented, business intelligence and augmented analytics solutions. According to renowned technology research firm, Gartner, ‘80% of organizations seeking to scale digital business will fail because they […]

Understanding the Truth About Mobile BI!

Considering a Mobile BI App? Understand the WHAT of Mobile Augmented Analytics Before You Choose! If your business is considering a Business Intelligence or BI tool or an augmented analytics tool for its business users, the addition of this type of tool can and will […]