Tell Your Team How Mobile BI Can Help in the Real World!

Technology research firm, Gartner, states that, ‘80% of organizations seeking to scale digital business will fail because they do not take a modern approach to data and analytics governance.’ When considering the ‘modern approach’ to data and analytics governance, one of the primary factors is most certainly the portability and mobile access to analytics.
‘Mobile BI and mobile analytics brings data together from disparate data systems and repositories and allows the team to gain insight with context-driven inquiries, all in a mobile environment.’
Today’s business teams are more often remote and more often out of the office on business than their business brethren from decades past. Every business user is also a consumer of technology and every business user expects easy access to information on mobile devices. SO…when considering options for business intelligence and augmented analytics, your business must satisfy the needs and expectations of your team, or it risks investing in products and solutions that will reap poor return on investment (ROI), poor total cost of ownership (TCO) and poor user adoption.
Rather than trying to convince your team that it must adopt new tools for the good of the organization, you might take a more personal approach. Providing real-life examples of business use and illustrating how mobile BI and mobile analytics access can help users with everyday tasks is a more convincing argument!
Here are some examples of business scenarios you might consider as you begin your discussion with your team:

‘Our Customers are Unhappy and So Are We’
Your team members and middle managers are often faced with customer dissatisfaction. Whether it is your CRM team or your regional account manager, your business must have access to information to discover the source of customer issues and develop a strategy to improve customer satisfaction. If your team is on the road, and a customer calls, or a manager wants answers right away, a Mobile BI solution can help by accessing and analyzing data to determine the most frequent customer complaints, who within the ranks of an existing customer organization is most often calling with complaints, whether the complaints are common to other customers and already being addressed by product upgrades or changes, who has successfully dealt with this customer or this type of issue before, etc. Gather and analyze data that relates to the customer, the products they buy, their ‘hot buttons’, the team that is dealing with that customer and the product and service offerings available, as well as the staffing and skills of the business team currently serving the client (and those who might potentially help with the issue).
‘Mr. Jones Moved Up the Budget Meeting’
Your team knows the budget meeting is coming up, but Mr. Jones has decided to schedule the meeting for this week. Mobile BI allows the team members to gather and analyze data to understand expenses, who is spending what, what activities and tasks are reaping the most benefits and which tasks or activities should be defunded or reduced. Which products are selling and in what regions? Does the team need more training and, if so, how much will it cost? Is there a need for more routine maintenance to avoid expensive downtime?
‘Who Should We Send to San Francisco to Close the Deal?’
Client X has scheduled a meeting in San Francisco to buy more products and services. The new account manager on the client team has a list of questions about the product and your business has tried several times to close the deal and sign a new, and more lucrative, contract. Which sales person knows the product best? Which one has closed the most deals for this product and service combination? What is the history of interaction with this client and how has the team attempted to address their issues in the past?
‘Providing real-life examples of business use and illustrating how mobile BI and mobile analytics access can help users with everyday tasks can provide a convincing argument!’
Mobile BI and mobile analytics brings data together from disparate data systems and repositories and allows the team to gain insight with context-driven inquiries, all in a mobile environment. So, team members do not have to rush back to the office to get information. Business users can gather information and share reports and collaborate while on the road or working remotely, so productivity is optimized and answers to key questions are answered accurately and quickly.
If your business can provide real-world business use cases and issues for team member consideration, it is more likely your team will see the benefits of mobile BI and analytics and how these tools can help them do their job, gain visibility, maximize their potential and time and get the job done more easily.
Explore Smarten Mobile Augmented Analytics And Mobile BI and improve your ROI and TCO. Add powerful functionality and access for your business users with out-of-the-box Mobile BI and advanced analytics for every team member in your enterprise. For more information on Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics, read our article, ‘What’s So Special About Mobile BI?’