Predictive Modeling Is Not the Sole Domain of Analysts!

Assisted Predictive Modeling Lets Business Users Plan & Forecast with Confidence! When businesses take on the task of forecasting and planning, it is important to provide the tools to go through this process at all levels with data integrated from the various systems and databases […]

Forecast and Plan with Confidence (and Predictive Analytics)!

Predictive Analytics for Business Users = Assisted Predictive Modeling! Are you tired of using guesswork and opinions to make business decisions? These types of decision-making can be particularly dangerous to your business when they are applied to predicting and forecasting. If you are to be […]

Affordable, Simple Predictive Analytics Software!

Predictive Analytics Can Be Accurate and Easy! Predictive analytics is more refined, more dependable and more comprehensive than ever. The foundation for predictive analysis is a great predictive analytics tool, and features and function that include assisted predictive modeling. Assisted Predictive Modeling allows users to […]

Predictive Modeling Does Not Have to be Complicated!

Assisted Predictive Modeling Delivers Predictive Analytics to Business Users! When we use terms like ‘predictive analytics’, it sometimes puts off the general business population. Team members might envision everything from a crystal ball to complex charts and graphs with unreadable numbers and conclusions. While predictive […]

Advanced Analytics Platform for Business Users!

Advanced Analytics for Business Users is Key to Business Success! Most businesses are choosing advanced analytics for business users and there is a good reason for that! Even the largest businesses rarely have an unlimited budget for data scientists and the trend toward data democratization […]

Assisted Predictive Modeling for All Users!

Predictive Analytics Techniques That Are Easy Enough for Business Users! There are a myriad of predictive analytics techniques and predictive modeling algorithms and you can’t expect your business users to understand and use them. If you are taking on an advanced analytics initiative and you […]

Business Users and Data Scientists Get Predictive Analytics!

Biz Users Get Plug n’ Play Analytics, Data Scientists Get R Integration! When someone says ‘plug n’ play’, a lot of people think of the idea of plugging in an electrical appliance and having it run instantly. I think plug n’ play analysis should be […]