If you have been following the industry and market discussions about Artificial Intelligence (AI), you know that there is a lot of controversy about how and when it can be used and about its readiness for public consumption. There are some ways you can leverage AI now to improve your use of technology and the user experience for your team and/or consumers of your products and services.
According to Gartner, Generative AI will, ‘form a part of architected solutions that automate, augment humans or machines, and autonomously execute business and IT processes. It will also likely be used to replace, recalibrate, and redefine some of the activities and tasks included in various jobs.’
If you are looking for ways to get started on your AI journey and take advantage of the current capabilities of this technology, here are a few ideas to get you started with AI:

- Unstructured Data: – Use artificial intelligence and GPT to summarize PDFs, HTML and other unstructured documents and data. This approach allows you to provide summarization of data and information for queries and searches.
- Structured Data: – Using GPT and AI to summarize structured data sets allows a business to handle ad hoc queries and summarize results.
- Combine Structured and Unstructured Data: – Combine both structured and unstructured data for summarization and query handling.
- Query Translation: – Allow users to generate scripts (such as SQL or Python) based on the user queries, going beyond Natural Language Processing (NLP).
- Industry Strategies: – Look at GPT and AI for specific industries like hospitality, lodging, travel, etc., including this approach in solutions for a domain or industry packaged application to curate and handle structured and unstructured content. Some industry leaders, like TripAdvisor in the travel industry, are already leveraging GPT.
These are just a few business use cases to get you started in your thinking and provide some examples of how to use the current capabilities of AI and GPT in your business. Consider how you might use this technology in your market or industry.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and GPT have great potential and this technology is rapidly evolving so it is wise to stay abreast of the advances. If your business wishes to leverage this potential today, it is crucial that your team understands the capabilities and limitations of the technology. With the right IT consulting partner, you can work with GPT in its current state to support your Digital Transformation (Dx) Strategy, and plan for the long-term as AI and GPT evolve. Explore our AI and GPT Articles here. Contact Us to find out more.
Original Post : How Can You Leverage Generative AI In Today’s Technology?