Answer Your Business User Concerns About Augmented Analytics!

Users Might Think Augmented Analytics is Too Difficult. That’s Not True! If you are a business manager who wants to enable a Citizen Data Scientist environment, but you find yourself up against resistance, it is often because your business users believe that advanced analytics is […]

Using Predictive Analytics to Understand Your Business Future!

Can Predictive Analytics REALLY Help My Business During These Uncertain Times? How accurate is predictive analytics? Is it worth using for my business? How can forecasting and prediction help me in such an uncertain environment? These are all valid questions and they are they are […]

Ease of Use for Augmented Analytics is Key!

Want to Succeed with Citizen Data Scientists? Choose Simple Augmented Analytics! Gartner has placed an increased focus on augmented analytics and solutions that support data democratization and business user transformation to the Citizen Data Scientist role. It predicts that those organizations that engage in Citizen […]

Smarten Launches Clickless Analytics Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics for Business Users!

Smarten announces its Smarten Clickless Analytics, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics tool designed for every business user, no matter their technical expertise or data skills. Natural Language Processing Search Analytics (NLP) is an easy-to-use search analytics technique that allows business users to create […]

Will Your Analytics Solution Support Your Business Users?

Provide the Right Augmented Analytics Solution and Features for Business Users! Business competition is intense and markets are changing rapidly. What worked yesterday, does not work today and it is crucial for businesses to have an in-depth understanding of what is changing, how customer buying […]

Can I Find eCommerce Analytics for Shopify?

I Know I Need Analytics for My Shopify eCommerce Site. Now What? So, you’ve decided to stop guessing about the results and the competitive strategy of your Shopify eCommerce site. You know you have a lot of competition and you know you can’t depend on […]

Augmented Analytics: The Right Choice for Advanced Analytics!

When Considering Advanced Analytics, Look for an Augmented Analytics Solution! When a business is considering an advanced analytics solution, it must sell its management team and investors on the value and benefit of that solution and the merits of implementing such a solution or upgrading […]